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  • Liberdade

Bringing people together through storytelling.

For millions of years all cultures across the world have used storytelling to share life experiences and express themselves. Using creative forms through history from the earliest cave drawings through to Snap Chat. Whether through art, literature, music or theatre, storytelling has been an important part of our social and cultural development.

Chin Wag was an exciting project that ran from Autumn 2017 to Spring 2018. The project brought together diverse groups of all ages and backgrounds and invited them to take part in exciting practical workshops exploring story-telling and story sharing and making connections with others within the community. Lead by professional artist’s participants explored different approaches and methods to storytelling. They experimented with different styles from spoken word, poetry, music and drama. From the traditional to the technological.

We hoped this project would bring positive changes to perceptions within the community breaking barriers and create better relationships. This inclusive project also looked to build confidence and wellbeing from people within the community who might not normally have a voice.

Everyone has a story to tell.

We created a short film about some of the story sharing sessions to capture what when on and the difference the project made. To celebrate the end of the project the groups and the wider community were invited to watch a live show (two performances by Will Pickvance) at the theatre.

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