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Enabling people with learning disabilities to lead extraordinary lives.



“Liberdade is now a community development trust with charitable status."

Historically Liberdade has worked with the learning disabled community delivering training around arts and wellbeing. Since 2014 we have been working with the local authority and the local community to develop Gosforth Civic Hall as a community and cutural hub. 

    This step change came about due to our ongoing mission to include learning disabled people in wider society. 

News & Events


The Liberdade Internship

Our internship focuses on getting young people with learning disabilities ready for work in the cultural sector. It runs for 3 days a week, 44 weeks a year. 

Health and Wellbeing

It's about spending time being active,having fun and feeling good. Participants have the opportunity to access a wide range of activities to help them keep and stay fit.

Liberate Drama

For people who have a flair for performance and storymaking. Liberate drama provides the opportunity to devise pieces of theatre, perform live and to make short films.



The Yip Yap Amigo's

The Yip Yap's are a group that have a diverse range of abilities. They choose to take part in a wide range of activities together with the aim of promtoing social interaction.




Working together

Liberdade has strong partnerships with organisations that offer amazing oppourtunities for people with learning disabilities.

We work with many organisations to develop a unique learning experience for our members.

The Bendrigg Trust delivers outdour activities for people with disabilities. As part of a fundraising event Liberdade produced this film for Bendrigg to show everyone what Bendrigg do.

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