Our Theory of Change
Like all organisations we are on a journey. We got here by taking lots of logical steps.
The steps took into consideration the voices of beneficiaries, along with our vision, mission, organisational culture and the environment we were working within.
To begin with these steps were fairly straight forward but as we have grown they have become far more complex, so we started to use different strategic planning methodologies to help. We are not a perfect organisation, far from it, we are learning as we go. We thought some of our mistakes or successes might help others so we have made them available.
All we ask is that you download the Theory of Change here so we know how many people it has helped, and if you would like to share it with others that you direct them to this page.
We would welcome any feedback on the document, feedback can be emailed to info@liberdade.co.uk
Running third sector organisations is challenging, and in the current environment this challenge has been intensified, we hope that some of this information will help you and your communities.
Lots of love Liberdade x
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